Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stale Marshmallows

I love Easter. But, I just want to know how stale marshmallows, wrapped in sugar, and shaped as chicks or bunnies got wrapped into this season. I just don't see the appeal. No offense to those who love peeps (one of my very best friends absolutely loves them and lets them get even more stale and thinks they're delicious), but I think they are pure evil coated in sugar. I mean, you take a bite and there's such an overload of sugar that you gag it back up and out. Appalling really. And over the last few years they've been creeping their way into other holidays. Stay away! Leave the other holidays alone already. I mean, it's bad enough that you've taken over one. The only redeeming quality about peeps is that you can stick them in the microwave and have them "duel." Other than that........yuck.


  1. Here's something for you Amy, since you love peeps so much. :)

  2. You need to check this out, too, Amy, seeing as you're a LotR fan:

    I love your blog! Thanks for making me laugh! :-)

  3. Hi There!

    My Name is Carly and I am looking for contributors to my blog! Im looking for real women to share a bit about themselves and be apart of this project which I would like to someday turn into a publication! I believe every woman has something to share!

    So please Contact me or have a look at my blog


    Carly -
